Nestlé partnership sees extra payment offered to Fonterra farmers this season
One year on from announcing a partnership designed to help reduce on-farm emissions, Fonterra and Nestlé are pleased to confirm the next step they’re taking to support farmers with their sustainability actions.
Fonterra announces climate plans for the future
Fonterra has taken a significant step towards achieving its climate ambitions today with the announcement of an on-farm emissions reduction target, and release of a Climate Roadmap and voluntary Climate-related Disclosure report.
New partnership offers Fonterra farmers cheaper, cleaner refrigeration
An innovative new project dubbed Pay-As-You-Save (PAUS) has been launched today to make it easier for Fonterra farmers to access next generation milk chilling technology and enjoy the many benefits that come with it.
Fonterra confirms timeline for Capital Structure implementation
Fonterra can today confirm that its new Flexible Shareholding capital structure is set to be implemented in late March 2023, subject to the Board being satisfied that the relevant preparations are completed before then.
Fonterra’s Flexible Shareholding structure gets
green light from farmers
Fonterra shareholders have today given the Co-operative’s new capital structure proposal the green light with 85.16% of the total farmer votes in support of the proposal.
Fonterra farmers to vote on Co-op’s capital structure proposal
Fonterra has today announced it will proceed with a shareholder vote on the change to the Co-operative’s capital structure, which would give farmers greater financial flexibility and better enable the Co-op’s strategy.
New Flexible Shareholding structure proposed as best option for farmers and Co-op
Fonterra’s Board has presented a revised capital structure proposal that it will discuss with farmers over the coming weeks before deciding whether to proceed to a shareholder vote.
Fonterra Farm Insights Reports – a first for New Zealand farmers
Fonterra farmers are world leaders when it comes to care for animals and the environment. Individual Farm Insights Reports delivered to all farmers today provide an opportunity to build even more efficiency into their day to day farming operations and highlight sustainable farming practices.
Farmer feedback set to
shape revised capital structure proposal
With the first phase of Fonterra’s capital structure consultation now complete, the Co-op is drawing up a revised proposal that aims to reflect farmers’ views.