
 Eメール: communications@fonterra.com



ニュージーランド乳業最大手フォンテラの日本法人であるフォンテラジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:斎藤 康博)は、ニュージーランド北海道酪農協力プロジェクトによる「放牧勉強会」(日時:2023年9月25日(月)/場所:北海道興部町)および「サステナブルデイリーファーミングセミナー」(日時:2023年9月29日(金)/場所:東京品川)を開催することをご案内いたします。

August 28, 2023


【ラグビー×英語】高校生NZ留学プログラムGame on English参加選手帰国のお知らせ

ニュージーランド乳業最大手フォンテラの日本法人であるフォンテラジャパン株式会社(本社:東京都港区、代表取締役社長:斎藤 康博)は、同社が主催する英語×ラグビー留学プログラム「Game on English」に参加した高校ラグビー選手14名が2023年8月8日(火)に2週間のニュージーランド滞在から帰国したことをお知らせします。

August 23, 2023


Fonterra targets community support where it's needed most

Fonterra is taking a new approach to how it provides nutrition to communities, to better reach those most in need across New Zealand.

September 14, 2020


2019 Sustainability Report shows Fonterra picking up the pace

Co-firing biomass to reduce coal, lifting the number of New Zealand products with Health Star ratings and launching an emissions profile for every farm headline Fonterra’s 2019 Sustainability Report.

November 29, 2019


Fonterra releases its Sustainability Report 2018

Fonterra is pleased to share its second annual Sustainability Report covering how the Co-operative is progressing towards its environmental, social and economic goals.

November 29, 2018


Fonterra Grass Roots Fund helps support kids living with hearing loss

Hearing Dogs NZ will be able to train more companion dogs for Auckland children living with hearingloss after receiving a grant from the Fonterra Grass Roots Fund.

April 26, 2018


Thanks to visitors who made Fonterra Kauri Open Day a success

Over 500 people accepted Fonterra Kauri’s invitation to come and have a first-hand look behind the scenes at its Open Day on Saturday.

April 09, 2018


Fonterra Milk for Schools marks fifth anniversary: Richie McCaw to do special milk runs

Over 500 people accepted Fonterra Kauri’s invitation to come and have a first-hand look behind the scenes at its Open Day on Saturday.

April 09, 2018


Fonterra launches initiative to address family violence

Fonterra has joined with Shine and Women’s Refuge to launch a programme to raise awareness about family violence and provide support services for any of its 12,000+ New Zealand employees who may need help.

November 22, 2017