Vendor Risk Management

Maintaining strong relationships with our vendors is important to us, as is fulfilling our promises to customers and meeting the requirements of regulatory bodies. Our vendor registration process is designed to help you share information with us about your organisation through an online vendor portal.
Four Step Process
  1. You will receive an email from ‘Microsoft Invitations on behalf of
    Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited’. Click the ‘Accept invitation’ link in this email and follow the steps to get access to the portal.
  2. You will then receive a second email asking you to complete a Fonterra Vendor Risk Assessment questionnaire(s). Click the link in the second email.
  3. Log in to our vendor portal using your username and password that you set up in step #1.
  4. Answer the questions in your assigned vendor risk assessment(s) and upload any required documentation before submitting your responses.

If you need any additional support to complete your assessment, please refer to the Vendor Risk Assessment Quick Guide or contact us at

Vendor Risk Management FAQ's
  1. To invite a contact who will be able to log into the portal, Click on the User menu. 
  2. Then select Manage Team/My Team
  3. Invite Contact: When you click Invite contact, you will be able to add that person as a contact and provide them with credentials for logging into the portal. 
  4. Select one of the engagement you are part of to add users. 
  5. To add contacts to the engagement you selected, click the Add button for the contacts you want to add. You can also click the Remove button to remove existing contacts from the engagement.
  1. Primary contacts: Here you can view or define the primary contact for the vendor or any engagement. This user can assign others to assessments, issues, or tasks, and will receive all relevant notifications. 
  1. Assessments, Issues and Tasks: The queue displays all active assessments, issues, and tasks that need to be completed. You can see further details by clicking on the vendor or engagement you wish to work on.
  1. Click on one of the Vendor/Engagement which you can access to get the respective Assessment list. 
  2. Click on one of the assessment to get the Assessment details. 
  3. Submit Assessment: When all questionnaires and document requests have been successfully completed, the assessment needs to be submitted back to Fonterra. Assessments that are not submitted are considered to be incomplete. Please note that questionnaires and document requests can be returned to you and that the assessment would have to be resubmitted back once all items are closed.
  1. Click on one of the Vendor/Engagement which you can access to get the respective Assessment list.
  2. Click on one of the assessment to get the Assessment details. 
  3. Assigned to: Requests that have not been explicitly assigned to other vendor contacts are shown as read-only to them. Assign each request to the appropriate stakeholder so they can have the ability to respond to them. 
  4. Signature: Any questionnaires or document requests that require a signature will be flagged in this column. After all responses have been completely filled out, you can close out the questionnaire and provide an electronic signature.
  1. Click on one of the Vendor/Engagement which you can access to get the respective Assessment list.
  2. Click on one of the assessment to get the Assessment details.
  3. Click on one of the request to get the Questionnaire instance page.
  4. Notes and Comments Section: Communication between you and Fonterra may occur within the Notes and Comments section. Additionally, you may filter out certain questions to aid you in the completion process.
  1. To invite a contact who will be able to log into the portal, Click on the User menu.
  2. Then select Manage Team/My Team.
  3. Select one of the engagement you are part of to add users.
  4. To add contacts to the engagement you selected, click the Add button for the contacts you want to add. You can also click the Remove button to remove existing contacts from the engagement.