Shining a spotlight on our high value ingredients
Across our Co-operative, dairy know-how and innovation is part of our DNA. For nearly a century, we have been at the forefront of pioneering advancements in dairy nutrition. Take a look at some of our premium ingredients that form the backbone of our exceptional products.
Japan hungry for high-value
dairy ingredients
Fonterra was part of a recent New Zealand business delegation to Japan, a market that is one of the Co-op’s top export destinations for high-quality, innovative dairy ingredients.
Why is butter yellow?
We answer all your important butter-related questions. Why is butter from New Zealand yellow? The yellow-orange colour of New Zealand butter is perfectly natural. A natural pigment, beta-carotene, provides this yellow colour.
Digestive wellness and the power of probiotics
From boosting immunity to improving digestion, probiotics have been touted as the “superhero” of the gut bacteria underworld. And yet, there’s a lot we still don’t know about probiotics because the research is just heating up.
Milk and your immune system – Good Together
Is it possible to boost your immune system? What if you improve your diet? Make other lifestyle changes in the hope of producing the best immune response?
Fonterra launches wellbeing nutrition solutions brand
Fonterra is taking another step in implementing its strategy to be a leader in nutrition science and innovation with the launch of a new wellbeing solution brand, Nutiani.
Improving outcomes for patients
Fonterra has further cemented its position as a leading dairy nutrition producer by becoming a member of the Medical Nutrition International Industry (MNI).
6 milk & dairy myths busted by Head of Nutrition, Laura Anderson
Is milk the best source of calcium? Is trim milk watered down? Can you drink milk if you are lactose intolerant? Read on for some milk and dairy myths answered by nutrition expert Laura Anderson.
Where is milk produced?
The nutrients in milk play an important role in growing and maintaining healthy bones, your immunity, the functioning of your nervous system, helping to prevent tiredness, maintaining healthy eyes, and so much more.