Responsible Marketing

Simple, honest food labelling.
Trying to understand labels on food can be a minefield, making it hard to work out whether a product is good for you or meets your dietary needs.


All of our dairy products have simple, accurate and clear labelling – making it easy to identify the goodness of dairy in each serve and help you make more informed food choices.


Labelling and understanding Nutritional Information Panels

Know your food's provenance

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Country of Origin Labelling

Make healthier choices with the Health Star Rating

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Health Star Rating

Why we don't sugar-coat our marketing

As a global dairy company, we're committed to delivering high-quality dairy nutrition. We recognise the world is faced with significant nutrition problems at different ends of the spectrum; poor quality diets leading to nutritional deficiencies or obesity – and sometimes both. These are problems we want to help solve.

Voluntary codes

To help combat these issues, industry and government have a range of voluntary codes to ensure a high sense of social responsibility in advertising and marketing food and beverage products in Australia.

As part of our commitment to promote responsible consumption of our products at all life stages, we adhere to the Australian Association of National Advertiser’s (AANA) Code of Ethics and Food and Beverages Advertising Code

All of Fonterra’s product and nutrition claims are compliant with local regulatory requirements and based on robust science.