Dukung Kelompok Lansia Rayakan Sucinya Lebaran Idul
Fitri, Anlene dan PEROSI Bagikan Akses Susu Bernutrisi Ke Kelompok Lansia
Di penghujung bulan suci Ramadan yang penuh berkah ini, Anlene mengumumkan inisiatif terbarunya untuk menyediakan akses pada susu Anlene setara dengan Rp 10 Miliar untuk masyarakat umum di seluruh Indonesia, khususnya kelompok lanjut usia. Distribusi lebih dari 50,000 kaleng susu ini merupakan inisiatif nasional yang dilakukan dengan beberapa partner melalui berbagai program. Untuk wilayah Jabodetabek, kerja sama ini melibatkan Perhimpunan Osteoporosis Indonesia (PEROSI), mitra yang telah lama berkolaborasi dengan Anlene untuk memberikan edukasi kesehatan tulang, sendi, dan otot secara masif bagi masyakarat Indonesia.
Fonterra Luncurkan Keju Anchor Cheddar, Rasakan #BerasaBedanya bersama Orang Terkasih
Fonterra hari ini meluncurkan produk keju terbarunya di Indonesia, yakni Keju Anchor Cheddar.
Fonterra launches wellbeing nutrition solutions brand
Fonterra is taking another step in implementing its strategy to be a leader in nutrition science and innovation with the launch of a new wellbeing solution brand, Nutiani.
Tip Top to join Froneri global family
New Zealand’s iconic ice cream company has a new owner, after global ice cream company Froneri today purchased Tip Top from Fonterra for $380 million.
Fonterra signs up farms to supply The a2 Milk Company
Starting today, Fonterra is signing up farms to supply milk for The a2 Milk Company in the 2019/2020 season.
Anchor breaks new sales record at China’s Double 11
Anchor products shone at Double 11, the world’s largest 24-hour shopping event, with Fonterra sales jumping 31% on last year.
From plastic to posts
Fonterra has teamed up with Kiwi-owned start up, Future Post™, to turn milk bottles and other soft plastics into fence posts for kiwi farms.
Fonterra announces Managing Director Fonterra Brands NZ
Fonterra is pleased to welcome Brett Henshaw to the Co-operative as Managing Director, Fonterra Brands, New Zealand (FBNZ).
Anchor Protein+ a new twist on flavoured milk
Anchor Protein+ flavoured milk will hit New Zealand shelves next week, the first time Kiwis have been able to buy a product of its kind in local stores.