Our natural farming approach means our cows live long and healthy lives. They don't often need antibiotics and they have some of the lowest somatic cell counts in the world, which gives us high quality milk.
Pasture provides both natural nutrition and a soft surface for cows to rest and roam. They are exposed to lower levels of environmental bacteria, making them less susceptible to disease. Pasture-based dairy farming also lets cows exhibit their natural behaviours, freely choosing where to eat, drink and who to socially interact with.
90% of our farmer owners in New Zealand have an Animal Wellbeing Plan prepared with their vet, and every farm is held to high standards. Animal wellbeing goes beyond reducing negative experiences, to recognising the importance of positive experiences.
Monitoring animal wellbeing indicators helps to identify at-risk farms and provide appropriate support.
* In New Zealand, data from Fonterra Farm Dairy Records show that our Fonterra New Zealand cows spend, on average, 97% of their non-milking time outside on pasture. This is calculated annually and reported as a rolling three-year average.