
Site stories

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Sri Lanka

Anchor continues to empower Abiman Varam winners to achieve their dreams

At just the age of thirteen, Nawanjana Diluni Siriwardene, has several swimming accolades to her name, breaking school and national records, and narrowly missing a spot at the 2019 SAARC games by just 2 seconds.

March 04, 2021

Sri Lanka

Over Rs. 32 million from Fonterra to support communities and the Nation in the fight against COVID-19

Continuation of milk purchasing ensures safeguarding of local dairy farmer livelihoods.

May 26, 2020

Sri Lanka

Fonterra leads the way in ensuring highest food safety and quality standards throughout the supply chain

Collaborates and shares expertise in an effort to strengthen industry practices.

May 25, 2020

Sri Lanka

Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka announces change in leadership

Dairy co-operative Fonterra has announced that its Managing Director of the Sri Lankan and Indian Subcontinent business.

May 25, 2020

Sri Lanka

SLSI Confirms that Anchor Meets National Standards for Milk Powder

In-depth audit of New Zealand manufacturing processes guarantees grass to glass quality.

May 22, 2020

Sri Lanka

Expanding and innovating without fear: Dairy entrepreneur Shantha reveals his story

Fonterra empowers smallholder dairy farming families to increase milk quality and production.

May 16, 2020

Sri Lanka

Manufacturing practices in the new norm

The new “normal” is something we all are getting used to – but what happens when curfew is lifted and we are back at work?

May 05, 2020

Sri Lanka

Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka shines with four awards at the National Convention on Quality & Productivity 2019

Fonterra Brands Sri Lanka shines with four awards at the National Convention on Quality & Productivity 2019.

September 15, 2019