Our farmers are leading the way with on farm innovations


Over more than 100 years of dairying here in New Zealand, Fonterra farmers have been at the forefront of innovation spanning generations of farming families.

These are the same farmers that brought the world the rotary milking shed, the electric fence and the Huntaway farm dog. 

The drive to adapt and improve dairying practices is in our DNA and is one of the building blocks of our rural economies – and there’s a lot more to come.

Our farmers are already leading the way in New Zealand with innovations like robotic milking allowing cows to self-milk any time of the day, drone technology giving precision in environmental on-farm management, and collecting data right down to individual cows to make sure they are healthy and contented. 

We have designed the TIAKI Sustainable Dairying Programme exclusively for the Fonterra farmers, which enables them to tap into specialized regional knowledge and services. Read more about TIAKI here.