Baseline measured
We measured our emissions footprint, to give ourselves a baseline against which to track progress.
Protecting natural resources is intrinsically linked to safeguarding the future of the environment and communities we depend upon.
There's more work to be done and when we come together, we can support resilient intergenerational farming, realise the full potential of dairy nutrition and create goodness for generations to come.
Fonterra’s emissions reduction targets have been validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) and are as below.
Greenhouse Gasses (GHG).
(From a FY2018 base year).
(Covering purchased goods and services, capital goods, upstream and downstream transportation and distribution, business travel, and processing of sold products).
Forest, Land and Agriculture (FLAG).(From a FY2018 base year).
(With a target date of 31st December 2025).
* The target boundary includes land-related emissions and removals from bioenergy feedstocks.
^ The target includes FLAG emissions and removals.
(Forecast performance at end of 2025 based on FY23 sales).
Which refers to 40% female, 40% male, 20% of any gender.
Our Climate Roadmap is our strategy – the path that take us towards our 2030 targets and our ambition to be net zero by 2050.
We measured our emissions footprint, to give ourselves a baseline against which to track progress.
Our Brightwater processing plant in Nelson began co-firing on wood, reducing emissions by 2,400 tonnes each year. This site closed in 2023.
We completed NZ’s largest boiler conversion to renewable biomass at our Te Awamutu site.
We trialled Milk-E, New Zealand’s first electric milk tanker.
Stirling became our first 100% renewable thermal energy plant.
Our Waitoa site is replacing coal with a renewable biomass boiler.
The emissions reductions to 2030 have been forecast to be achievable based on what we currently know and expect to become possible with the right technological developments, government policy support and on-farm practices. Please refer to our Climate Roadmap for further details. We anticipate that our 2050 net zero ambition will be supported by the actions described on this page and ambition guiding our work and investment today. Further detail on achievability of our 2050 ambition will be presented as further information and technology becomes available.