Media Releases



Fonterra ingredients brand launches game changing tool

In an industry first, Fonterra’s ingredients and solutions brand, NZMP, has launched a tool to help customers access the emissions profile of individual New Zealand NZMP products.

February 28, 2024


Nestlé partnership sees extra payment offered to Fonterra farmers this season

One year on from announcing a partnership designed to help reduce on-farm emissions, Fonterra and Nestlé are pleased to confirm the next step they’re taking to support farmers with their sustainability actions.

December 14, 2023


Fonterra announces climate plans for the future

Fonterra has taken a significant step towards achieving its climate ambitions today with the announcement of an on-farm emissions reduction target, and release of a Climate Roadmap and voluntary Climate-related Disclosure report.

November 09, 2023


Fonterra increases emissions reduction ambitions

Fonterra has today announced a lift in its decarbonisation ambition with a new Scope 1&2 emissions reduction target which will be achieved by bringing forward some if its work to get out of coal.

July 20, 2023


Fonterra trials world first in sustainable electricity storage

A new organic, low-cost, safe, sustainable and long-life battery being trialled by Fonterra, could support greater energy security and distributed electricity generation for New Zealand.

September 28, 2022


Fonterra welcome Milk-E, New Zealand's first electric milk tanker

New Zealand’s first electric milk tanker, Milk-E, has been officially launched by the Minister for Energy and Resources, Hon. Dr Megan Woods, in Morrinsville.

July 18, 2022


Fonterra acknowledges the outcome of the NZ-EU FTA

Fonterra acknowledges the hard work of the New Zealand negotiators to conclude the NZ-EU FTA and the outcomes for other New Zealand export sectors.

July 01, 2022