Fonterra ingredients brand launches game changing tool
In an industry first, Fonterra’s ingredients and solutions brand, NZMP, has launched a tool to help customers access the emissions profile of individual New Zealand NZMP products.
Fonterra announces climate plans for the future
Fonterra has taken a significant step towards achieving its climate ambitions today with the announcement of an on-farm emissions reduction target, and release of a Climate Roadmap and voluntary Climate-related Disclosure report.
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Fonterra increases emissions reduction ambitions
Fonterra has today announced a lift in its decarbonisation ambition with a new Scope 1&2 emissions reduction target which will be achieved by bringing forward some if its work to get out of coal.
Fonterra welcome Milk-E, New Zealand's first electric milk tanker
New Zealand’s first electric milk tanker, Milk-E, has been officially launched by the Minister for Energy and Resources, Hon. Dr Megan Woods, in Morrinsville.
Fonterra acknowledges the outcome of the NZ-EU FTA
Fonterra acknowledges the hard work of the New Zealand negotiators to conclude the NZ-EU FTA and the outcomes for other New Zealand export sectors.
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