Fonterra ingredients brand launches game changing tool
In an industry first, Fonterra’s ingredients and solutions brand, NZMP, has launched a tool to help customers access the emissions profile of individual New Zealand NZMP products.
恒天然闪耀亮相第六届进博会 为中国市场带来高质量的乳品菁华
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Fonterra CFO Neil Beaumont to leave Co-op
Fonterra has today announced that Chief Financial Officer Neil Beaumont is leaving the Co-operative.
恒天然2022年末迎来三项大奖 持续引领乳品创新与可持续发展
恒天然携手沃尔沃卡车、森那美汽车及麻省理工PolyJoule 以科技创新全力加速可持续发展步伐
近日,恒天然与沃尔沃卡车及其母公司森那美汽车合作,率先使用新西兰首款电动沃尔沃卡车,并宣布在其位于曼格尔(Mangere)的配送中心启动为期六个月的沃尔沃全电动卡车FL Electric的试用。
Fonterra appoints Chief Financial Officer
Today Fonterra Co-operative Group announced the appointment of Neil Beaumont to the role of Chief Financial Officer, effective early February 2023.
Fonterra Announces FY22 Annual Results
Fonterra today announced a strong set of results for the financial year ending 31 July 2022, reflecting a 2021/22 Farmgate Milk Price of NZ$9.30 per kgMS and normalised profit after tax of NZ$591 million.
Fonterra lifts 2023 earnings guidance and revises milk collections
Fonterra Co-operative Group Limited today announced it has revised its 2023 forecast earnings guidance to 45 to 60 cents per share, up from 30 to 45 cents per share.
Fonterra ramps up opportunities in complementary nutrition partnership
Fonterra and Royal DSM, a global purpose-led science-based leader in health and nutrition, are establishing a new start-up company to accelerate the development and commercialisation of fermentation-derived proteins with dairy-like properties.