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恒天然安佳专业乳品亮相2024HOTELEX上海展 引领潮流餐饮新食尚

Add descri3月27日,乳制品行业全球领导品牌、恒天然集团旗下安佳专业乳品专业伙伴(以下简称“安佳专业乳品”)亮相2024 HOTELEX上海展(第三十二届上海国际酒店及餐饮业博览会)。已连续多年参展的安佳专业乳品,在本届以“安佳真草饲*,臻享新食尚”为主题,带来源自新西兰草饲放牧的高品质乳品,以及本土化创新潮流餐饮解决方案,诠释安佳专业乳品持续深耕中国市场的信心和承诺。ption here

March 27, 2024



2023年6月30日,新西兰总理克里斯·希普金斯(Chris Hipkins)率新西兰贸易代表团一行到访位于静安区的新西兰乳业巨头恒天然上海应用中心。该中心通过本土化创新战略促进新西兰高质量乳品生产,以满足中国消费者日益增长的需求,是中新两国携手并进,合作共赢的有力证明。

July 01, 2023


恒天然安佳专业乳品亮相中国国际焙烤展 擎领中国烘焙市场创新发展

5月22日,乳制品行业全球领导品牌,恒天然集团旗下安佳专业乳品专业伙伴(以下简称“安佳专业乳品”)正式亮相2023第25届中国国际焙烤展览会(Bakery China)。在今年的展会上,安佳专业乳品以“致纯净 佳味来”为主题,带来多款明星产品和创新应用,向观众呈现来自新西兰的乳品菁华,引领将可持续发展与高品质乳品融为一体的“纯净”风尚,探索优质乳品菁华在焙烤餐饮领域的多元化创新之路。

May 22, 2023


Fonterra to work with Land O’Lakes to expand US Foodservice business

To open more doors for its US Foodservice business, Fonterra has entered a sales and marketing agreement with one of America’s leading dairy co-operatives, Land O’Lakes, Inc.

October 28, 2020


Fonterra appoints Judith Swales COO Global Consumer & Foodservice

Fonterra CEO Miles Hurrell has confirmed Judith Swales to the role of Chief Operating Officer, Global Consumer and Foodservice.

March 06, 2019


A little piece of Clandeboye in half a billion pizzas

Some already call it the Riviera of the South and now Timaru could also be the pizza capital of New Zealand, as the region becomes the Southern Hemisphere’s largest producer of natural mozzarella cheese.

September 04, 2018


From Darfield to Dongguan - Fonterra dials up value add

Fonterra’s new cream cheese plant in Canterbury has started production and is set to manufacture up to 24,000 metric tonnes of cream cheese annually, bound for China.

August 25, 2018


'Muddy Buns' cleaning up the butter market

Muddy Buns, Dirty Dirty Bread, or Zang Zang Bao as they’re known in China, are creating a social media frenzy and driving a further craving for butter around the world.

July 09, 2018


Science meets art as Fonterra takes home top cheese honours

Fonterra’s cheese makers were in the spotlight last night when Kāpiti and NZMP took home three of the country’s top awards for cheese at the NZ Champion of Cheese Awards.

March 15, 2018