Update on the REDcycle soft plastics recycling program


We’re committed to producing dairy in a way that cares for our environment, which means considering what happens to our packaging once the nutrition inside has been consumed.

Since 2019 we have partnered with REDcycle – a recovery initiative for soft plastics such as bread bags, cling wrap and cheese wrappers.

Unfortunately, the REDcycle scheme is no longer operational, and at present there is no collection of soft plastics as the ‘Return to Store’ option is not currently available.

We are working to remove the REDcycle logo from our packaging, however you may still see the REDcycle logo and Australasian recycling label on our products as the new packaging artwork rolls out across our product range.

Consumers are being asked to put soft plastics in their home rubbish bin or appropriate public waste bin. Please note you should not dispose of soft plastics in your home kerbside recycling bin.

Industry is working hard to identify pathways to create recycling options for soft plastics. A small number of councils are currently trialling soft plastic recycling through the council kerbside collection system, and the results will help inform a sustainable national collection system. Contact your local council to find out whether your household currently has access to soft plastic recycling.

You can find more information on the ARL website.

While we’re disappointed that REDcycle has ceased its soft plastic collection program, we are committed to reducing plastic across our range and reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill from our manufacturing sites.

Since 2019 our business has almost halved the amount of waste we send to landfill, diverting 900 tonnes of materials from landfill into more beneficial uses, and we have set ourselves a target of a further 25% reduction this financial year.

To help us achieve this, we have partnered with APR to introduce a new recycling program across our manufacturing sites which will allow us to recycle soft plastic for the first time.

We will keep you updated on when a new recycling scheme is up and running.