The youth of the 1st Drouin Scouts will be sleeping under the stars as they learn essential life skills with the support of the Fonterra Grass Roots Fund.
Now in its seventh year, the Fonterra Grass Roots Fund has announced the successful recipients of its latest round of funding, with primary schools, volunteer fire brigades, surf lifesaving clubs and sports clubs among the many local organisations that will benefit.
The 1st Drouin Scouts will use their grant to purchase nine new tents, which will enable the group to run more youth-led camps that aim to give young Scouts a safe environment where they can build confidence, develop skills, and experience adventure.
Drouin Scout Leader Rod Watson said that camping teaches the youth essential life skills such as teamwork, resilience, and leadership, and that the new tents will enable even more young Scouts to develop these skills.
“We have a really diverse chapter, with young people from a range of backgrounds representing so many different parts of our community,” said Rod.
“Without the Scouts many of these youths wouldn’t get the opportunity to go on camping trips and explore the environment.
“Fonterra Grass Roots funding means that we can run more camping trips and ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn and have safe fun in our great outdoors and more importantly develop their personal skills to contribute positively in our community',” said Rod.
Fonterra Regional Operations Manager Gippsland Andrew Nooy said that the Fonterra Grass Roots Fund is aimed at giving a helping hand to the community groups that help create the vibrant communities in which we operate.
“We have a really tight-knit community here in Gippsland that gives us so much support. The Fonterra Grass Roots Fund is our way of giving back to the communities that have supported us for many years,” said Andrew.
Since 2011, Fonterra has supported almost 400 initiatives across Victoria and Tasmania that focus on bringing communities together, caring for the environment and promoting healthy lifestyles and dairy nutrition.
The Fund opens the doors for a wide range of community projects with grants of between $500 and $5,000. Applications for the next round of grants will be announced later in the year.
For more information click here.
The successful recipients included: